About this Framework

What is this Framework?
This ICT in Education Knowledge Framework is a directory of the knowledge ICT in Education Professionals may need in their work.
Because ICT is a catalyst and enabler of ways to advance education, as well as being an area of knowledge in its own right, much of the knowledge that this framework points to is about current best practice in education generally, where ICT has a role to play
The framework is focused on professional development. The expansion of the areas of knowledge will guide the reader to a mixture of common sense, practical perceptions and genuine enlightenment, which we hope will aid all who are committed to making ICT work harder to achieve the aims of their school.

The expansions are balanced between guidance on doing the best possible with the ICT currently available, and with the skills the majority of teachers currently have, and possibilities for transforming education and achievement. Guidance on how to transform education may appear to be impractical and unachievable in the short term but indicates what professionals might aspire to. The guidance reflects the approaches to transforming education detailed in the Naace Future Learning Toolkit (link to page).

Most importantly, the expansions provide only selections of the information and resources considered most useful, in enabling users to understand the scope of the area of knowledge and to gain access to the communities active in developing the area of knowledge.

How to use this Framework
We recommend users particularly to:
decide what is the educational purpose that you are seeking to advance using ICT. Without a clear purpose and context the huge amount of information that this framework leads to can easily overwhelm. With clear purpose and context it becomes possible to decide what to ignore and to focus.

take note of the vocabulary that is pertinent to the area of knowledge being explored. This will allow you to move beyond the selected guidance provided in this framework and to use search tools to explore more widely and deeply.

find the communities and experts that can provide continuing and developing guidance. A key role that ICT is playing is in connecting communities and in enabling access to people leading development of professional knowledge.

Why the Framework is linked to professional accreditation
As a professional community Naace and the many partners working collaboratively to develop this framework, and the knowledge it points to, are building the consensus on how best to advance education using ICT.

Where consensus is achieved it can become the basis for professional qualifications. Incorporation of areas of knowledge into accreditations, qualifications and quality marks indicates that these areas of knowledge are considered important by the communities leading development. Linkage of a resource to a qualification or quality mark provides a measure of the quality of the resource itself.

The linking of accreditation into this framework is also important because of the need to professionalise the education workforce, to enable schools/colleges to identify the best professionals to fulfil their needs, and to enhance the careers of those education professionals prepared to commit the effort to increasing their professional capacity.

About this version of the Framework
This is an initial prototype. We are at an early stage in exploring how to structure the areas of knowledge within the matrix of:
the main parameters of the education system,
- school/college organisation and management
- pedagogy
- learning
- the knowledge, skills and understanding we seek to enable learners to gain;

and the accreditations, qualifications and quality marks that indicate importance of knowledge.

The Naace Pull CPD Project will shortly draw together a group of Naace members and partners to establish and agree a first iteration of the top-level areas of knowledge that will exist in this framework. Areas of knowledge currently identified may be added to, combined or re-framed. The areas currently shown are just examples of the kinds of areas that may be included.

The Pull CPD project will then commission expansions of areas of knowledge where there is strong professional development need, by the communities leading development in these main areas.

Naace members wishing to be involved in this process should emailing the Project Coordinator, Roger Broadie:

All comments about this Framework should also be sent to Roger@Broadie.demon.co.uk.

a Naace development