Index / knowledge categories

Application of ICT 
 - in industry
 - in students' lives
Applications - see software
Assessment - for learning
 - of learning, formative and summative
 - recording and reporting
Blogging - see social systems
Digital photography - see imaging
Change management - using ICT to support it
Collaborative work - ICT supporting groupwork
Communications - software
Communities of practice - e-communities
 - mentoring
 - developing people networks
CPD - planning and managing whole-school CPD
Creativity - developing creative thinking kills using ICT
- software to aid creativity
Curriculum - primary (inc programmes of study, schemes of work and curriculum design)
 - secondary (inc programmes of study, schemes of work and curriculum design)
 - shaping a more creative curriculum using ICT
Data-handling - software
Educational resources - interactive
 - creation
Email - see communications
Games and simulations - gaming in education
Graphics - bitmap
 - vector
Home education - role of ICT in supporting it
ICT as a subject - KS3 curriculum
ICT capability - assessment of
 - functional skills to support learning
ICT teaching - secondary
 - primary
 - SEN
Imaging - digital photography
 - digital video
Independent learning - development of independent learning
Initial Teacher Training - inclusion of ICT
Interactive whiteboards -
Internet use - safety
 - computer crimes
KS3 online test -
Leadership - see management
Learning - impact of ICT on learning
 - new ways of knowing/representing the world through ICT
 - learning to learn supported by ICT
Literacy - use of ICT in supporting literacy and communication
Logo -
Management - behaviour management using ICT
 - ICT Coordinator roles and management
 - leadership and management of ICT
 - managing technicians and technical support
 - senior management planning
Managing ICT - educational requirements
 - systems management
Modelling - to aid learning
 - software for modelling
Multimedia - software to create multimedia
Networking - functionality
New technologies - effects and impacts
 - futures
 - educational opportunities from new technologies
Pedagogy - creative approaches
 - facilitating/supporting learners through ICT
 - supporting the teach in new approaches
People networks - see communities of practice
Personalisation - surfacing content to individuals
 - system design
Presentations -
Privacy -
Programming -
 - Visual Basic
 - Control Flowcharts
Programmes of study - see curriculum
Publishing - of pupils work
 - DTP
Pupils - negotiated learning
Qualifications - matching qualifications to individuals
 - specifications
Quality assurance - ICT Mark
 - Naacemarks
 - SRF
Recording - of pupils work in new ways
Remote sensing - weather
Research - practice-based research
Resources - see educational resources
Robotics -
Schemes of work - see curriculum
SEN - supporting children with ICT
Sensing - see 'remote sensing'
Simulations - see games and simulations
Social systems - blogging
Software - see ICT in specific subjects or software package categories
 - generic software for cross-curricula use
Strategy - frameworks for thinking about ICT in education
Subject leaders - their role
Subjects and ICT - specific subjects and ICT
 - ICT as a cross-curricular teaching/learning tool
Supporting schools - supporting schools' exploitation of ICT
Systems Architecture -
Technical support - first line maintenance
 - technician training.
Validity of information -
Visual Literacy -
Web - web literacy
 - webcams
 - webpage creation

a Naace development