What this web site is for

This web site has developed from many ideas about the nature of transformed education, representing the professional experiences of over 80 Naace members. By classifying those ideas, identifying the key property of each idea and arranging these properties in order of recurrence, we have created the Naace Future Learning Toolkit - a checklist that can be used to confirm the presence of each key element within a school's plan for transforming learning. The result represents a reference point for a Naace consensus about what is meant by 'Transformed Education', and how it can be brought about in the School of the Future.

Also on this site are featured additional 'toolkits' designed by experienced ICT practitioners that focus on the way that implementing a Learning Platform can aide the journey to transformation - from the perspective of a primary school, secondary school and a school leadership team.

The Naace Future Learning Toolkit - with a mixture of common sense, practical perceptions and genuine enlightenment - will make interesting reading for all those commited to making ICT work harder to achieve the aims of the school. But though many will find this interesting and useful, some of the individual statements may appear to be impractical and unachievable in the short term.

This is because our current thinking about quality in regards to ICT in schools is geared to doing the best we can with what we have - in the context of the way the school currently operates.  Improvement in this situation is about optimisation.
To aspire to transformation rather than optimisation will require a systemic rethink of the way that learning is organised in order that schools can hope to achieve a greater-than-average impact upon pupil achievement - for every pupil.

This therefore suggests a two step journey:
Prove that we have the right systems in place for getting the best
    from current ICT provision
Determine how we can rethink the way that we could restructure provision
    so that ICT has a significant and demonstrable impact on learning.

The Becta Self Review Framework will be the starting point for a school aspiring to transform learning with ICT. The achievement of the ICT Mark will be an endorsement that current systems promoting the use of ICT are operating effectively. This achievement will also indicate that the school can respond to self-review and demonstrate leadership in pursuing a vision, and managing priorities for change.

The second step - towards transformation - will be more challenging.
Schools will need purpose, drive and resources to make systemic changes to the way that learning is organised, with ICT becoming pervasive, adaptable, multiplex and efficacious. This may happen through schools being involved with the Building Schools for the Future programme, or with the design of a new school, or because the school leadership and staff have a strong desire to take a lead with ICT. It is in these cases that we believe the Naace Future Learning Toolkit will be most effective - to introduce innovative insights that will inspire, motivate and provide stepping stones towards achieving the vision of Transformed Education.

a Naace development