The following
83 ICT in Education specialists have supported and
contributed to this development:
Neil Adam, Independent Consultant, IT Services
Laurian Adams, Manager, The City Learning Centre @ Queens Park
Ruth Allanach, The IT Learning Exchange
Allison Allen, School Improvement Consultant ICT, Croydon QDI
Richard Allen, Outstream Consulting
Mary Barker, General Secretary, Naace
Tom Barrett, Priestsic Primary and Nursery School
Nick Batchelor, ICT Systems Manager
Diana Battersby, Independent consultant and teacher
Heather Bendle, Stratford upon Avon Grammar School for Girls
Miles Berry, St Ives School, Haslemere
Jan Blake, Logotron, ex HBS Education (Bedfordshire)
Mike Bostock, New Media Learning
Ruth Bourne, Sandwell Education and Children's Services
Roger Broadie, Learning Markets Analysis Ltd
Terry Burton, Hugh Christie Technology College
Anne Casey, Camden CLC
Steve Cayley, Devon Curriculum Services
Brian Coates, Nottinghamshire CC
Pam Counsell, Solihull Inspection & Advisory Service
Steve Cutting, Naace
Leon Cych, Learning 4 Life
Gareth Davies, Advisory Matters Ltd,
Doug Dickinson, Independent ICT Consultant
John Duffty, University of Chester
Rob Ellis, Secondary Strategy Consultant (ICT), IOW
Mike Ernest, Secondary Strategy Consultant, Knowsley LA
Graham Fielden, Senior ICT Adviser, Lancashire LA
Andrew Flowerdew, Independent ICT Consultant
Julie Frankland, School House Partnership
Terry Freedman, Independent Consultant
Daniel Fyles, Tameside MBC
Darren Gamble, Middlesborough LA
Nina Garforth, Simica Ltd
Sebastian Gasse, Norfolk County Council Education
Shirley Hackett, School Development Adviser (ICT)
Richard Hammond, Policy Adviser, BECTA
John Harbottle, Advisory Teacher for ICT, Northumberland LA
James Harris, St Wilfrid's CE High School and Technology College
Bob Harrison, Support for Education and Training
Stephen Head, MGL Liverpool
Paul Heinrich, ICT Adviser, Portsmouth City Council
Stephen Holland, Senior Adviser for ICT, Stoke-on-Trent LA
Peter Hunter, SOCITM Consulting
Nick Jeans, S Yorks E-Learning Programme
Alex Jones, Sheffield West City Learning Centre
Mike Kendall, East Midlands Broadband Consortium EMBC
Mary Lebreuilly, e-Learning ICT Adviser, Sandwell LA
John Lemon, School House Partnership
Doug Masterton, Doug Masterton Ltd
Paul Mathews, MGL Liverpool
Kevin McHenry, Northampton LA
Colin McQueen, Hampshire LA
Tricia Neal, Independent ICT Consultant
Philip Noakes, Inspector for ICT, Greenwich
Andy O’Brien, Tameside MBC
Graham Oakes, Graham Oakes Ltd
Steve Oram, The IT Learning Exchange, London Metropolitan University
Mike Partridge, Stockport Council
Bridget Patel, University of Cambridge
David Perry, David Perry associates
Paul Porter, Wolverhampton City Council
Leah Prevost, e-skills UK
John Proctor, John Proctor Education Ltd.
Janet Roberts, Inspector/Adviser ICT, HIAS Hampshire
Janet Roe, Milton Keynes LA
Julia Rutherford-Bate, Northamptonshire
Brian Samways, British Computer Society
Tim Scratcherd, School House Partnership
Ian Sillett, The IT Learning Exchange
Andi Sinclair, Kirklees School Effectiveness Service
Richard Smith, 4S
Paul Springford, Cambridgeshire County Council
Peter Steele, Princeville Primary School
Rob Symberlist, Schools Networking Coordinator, UKERNA
Alison Tanner, ICT Consultant, Thurrock LA
Lynne Tansey, Warwickshire LA
Peter Twining, The Open University
Yvonne Walker, North East Lincs and Y&HGfL
Helen Warner, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
John Wasteney Leicestershire Education Authority
Pam Winn, Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
Stephanie Woods, Independent ICT Consultant