B5: Full usage and integration of MIS into the       organisation and work of the school
The MIS receives secure data from the local authority, providing a broad picture of every learner; teachers received briefings and advice on a need-to-know basis about background issues that can affect performance
There is fast and reliable data interchange between the MIS, the learning platform, the school web site and other systems which capture, process and display data
Students' patterns of use of school facilities are tracked via login systems, learning platform outputs, swipe cards etc. providing semi-automated gathering of knowledge about attendance and participation
Registration is part automated by the detection of wireless signals from hand-held devices; this information is linked to truancy and student safety systems
There are systems to track the progress of pupils, predict their future performance and provide diagnostics on how to improve
Progress in learning is regarded as much broader than just national curriculum levels; pupil progress is tracked across a broad range of attrributes and capabilities
Parents have access to a secure web page which provides a detailed picture about their child's current performance, future targets, diagnostics and details of how parents can support learning
Assessment systems are made available at times and places to suit the learner on an assess-when-ready principle
Systems and cycles for managing the data in the MIS are from time-to-time reviewed and optimised
MIS support staff are fully trained and proactive in making use of the stored data to support school effectiveness; teachers are trained in making full use of electronic data
School data systems are supported under effecient managed service arrangements
The MIS system meets Becta requirements for interoperability and value for money
There are effective arrangements to make full use of ICT to support administration and management - registers, attendance, finance, assessment, tracking, organisation, timetabling, and outreach
The MIS and learning platform can operate in all areas of learning including in the premises of other learning providers
All staff have ready access to the data in their MIS systems including through PDAs and wireless laptops
Classrooms have cameras installed so that under secure, controlled and agreed arrangements parents can view selected lessons remotely
a Naace development